Larry Schnapf

Trio of NJ Cases Are Cautionary Tales For Home Heating Oil Tanks

We have previously discussed the risks posed by residential heating oil tanks in a number of posts covering cases in New York , New Jersey , Oregon, Washington, Mass and Canada. Three recent cases in New Jerseyall involve claims of inadequate disclosure of heating oil illustrate. In Dalton v Shanna Lynn Corp., 2012 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 874 (App. Div. 4/19/12) […]

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PA Bank Agrees to Reimburse EPA For Removal Costs at Owned Property

We have previously discussed how banks can find themselves saddled with environmental liability from bank-owned properties they have acquired when they purchase assets of other banks. See Acquisitions Bring CERCLA Liability to Banks The latest example is In the Matter of Hamburg Mills Creek Superfund Site, Docket No. CERC-03-2013-004 where Wells Fargo agreed to reimburse

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Ohio Bank to Partially Reimburse EPA For Removal Costs Related To Defunct Borrower Facility

An Ohio bank agreed to pay the United States EPA $8K in past response costs incurred by EPA to remove hazardous waste drums at a facility that had been owned by a defunct borrower. The amount the bank agreed to pay represented approximately 10% of the EPA’s response costs. The notice of the proposed Agreement

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Ct Rejects Stigma Claims in BP Oil Spill Litigation

While the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill fades from memory, the federal district court assigned to resolve the hundreds of cases arising from the explosion, fire, and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon  mobile offshore drilling unit (“MODU”) has been busy issuing orders. These opinions have addressed complex questions of law involving the interplay of the

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NY District Court Misconstrues CERCLA “Facility” Definition

In the 1980s and 1990s, judges usually began CERCLA cases discussing that CERCLA was a remedial statute that Congress intended to be broadly construed. Judges seemed afraid of the problem of toxic wastes and often uncritically accepted government arguments that cast a wide liability net that caught a wide range of defendants. Even in private

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Trustee Bank Agrees to Removal Action Settlement with EPA

JP Morgan Chase Bank entered into a Settlement Agreement For Recovery of Past Response Costs (Settlement Agreement)  for a matter captioned In In The Matter Of Browning Lumber Company Superfund Site, Docket No. CERC-03-2007-0028D where the bank agreed to reimburse EPA for $1.28 million in removal costs incurred at a former wood processing facility rural Bald Knob,

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Bank Enters Into Settlement With EPA For Contaminated NY Site

EPA entered into a settlement agreement with the Bank of India (Bank) as part of an innovative settlement to facilitate the sale and reuse of an abandoned facility in Cortland, NY. The settlement was published in the today’s Federal Register .The proposed settlement is subject to a 30-day comment period. The settlement involves the Buckbee-Mears

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Ct Finds Reheater Replacement Projects Triggered New Source Review

In United States v. La. Generating, LLC, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 134195 (M.D. La. 9/19/12), a federal district court ruled that reheater replacement projects for a coal-fired power plant did not qualify for the Routine Maintenance, Repair and Replacement (RMRR) exception to the New Source Review (NSR) program. As a result, the defendant who acquired the coal plant

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Georgia District Court Narrowly Construes Right of Cost Recovery

There is no polite way to sugarcoat the opinion of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in Stratford Holdings LLC v Fog Cap Retail Investors LLC and Footlocker Retail , Inc. , No 1:11-C-3463 (Sept. 17, 2012).This is a bad decision that reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of CERCLA. If followed

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Documerica Project Captures Environmental Images From 1970s

New York City enjoyed classic fall weather last week with cloudless skies and crisp temperatures. Depending on how high your office or apartment was located, you could see all the way down to New York Harbor, see Yankee Stadium in the Bronx or Citifield where the Mets play. On days like these, it is hard

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