Hazardous Waste

NY Court of Appeals Hears Challenge to State Superfund Regulations

The New York Court of Appeals heard oral argument on November 14th on whether the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)  exceeded its authority when its set a goal of cleaning hazardous sites to “pre-disposal conditions” in its superfund regulations. After the NYSDEC revised its Part 375 regulations in 2006, the New York […]

NY Court of Appeals Hears Challenge to State Superfund Regulations Read More »

Purchaser Found “Contributing to” Contamination for Failing to Provide Access for Remedial Activities

Purchaser found contamination after closing and filed lawsuit under citizen suit provision of RCRA 7002 . Defendant brings counterclaim asserting that plaintiff is obstructing remediation by denying access. Court denies plaintiff motion to dismiss on grounds that its obstruction could be construed as active storage of wastes and allowing continued leaching of wastes. Therefore, plaintiff

Purchaser Found “Contributing to” Contamination for Failing to Provide Access for Remedial Activities Read More »

Confusion Over Scope And Timing of RCRA Cleanup Leads to Potential Liability for Brownfield Developer

Last year, the brownfield community was rattled by the Ashley II decision of United States District court for the District of South Carolina holding that a brownfield developer failed to comply with the requirements of the Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser defense. The court ruled the developer did not comply with its post-closing continuing care obligations

Confusion Over Scope And Timing of RCRA Cleanup Leads to Potential Liability for Brownfield Developer Read More »

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