Underground Storage Tanks

EPA Guidelines on Building Debris and Demolition Following Natural Disaster

Cleanup activities related to homes and businesses damaged by hurricanes or other natural disasters can pose significant health and environmental challenges. Immediate and life-threatening conditions may arise from  leaking natural gas lines, and carbon monoxide poisoning from using un-vented fuel-burning equipment indoors. However, there are other serious hazards that are not immediately life threatening but […]

EPA Guidelines on Building Debris and Demolition Following Natural Disaster Read More »

Trio of NJ Cases Are Cautionary Tales For Home Heating Oil Tanks

We have previously discussed the risks posed by residential heating oil tanks in a number of posts covering cases in New York , New Jersey , Oregon, Washington, Mass and Canada. Three recent cases in New Jerseyall involve claims of inadequate disclosure of heating oil illustrate. In Dalton v Shanna Lynn Corp., 2012 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 874 (App. Div. 4/19/12)

Trio of NJ Cases Are Cautionary Tales For Home Heating Oil Tanks Read More »

State Appeals Ct Affirms Note Purchaser Cannot Bring Nuisance Action For Contamination

It is no secret that distressed debt investors are eagerly looking for opportunities to purchase defaulted or underwater loans. One strategy used by investors with a healthy risk appetite is to purchase promissory notes secured by contaminated property at deeply discounted pricing. The investor then brings an RCRA 7002 action seeking an order requiring the

State Appeals Ct Affirms Note Purchaser Cannot Bring Nuisance Action For Contamination Read More »

Seller Allows Broker To Draft Environmental Condition and Then Loses Breach of Contract Case

Hager’s of Cohasset, Inc. v. Nelson, 2011Minn. App. Unpub. LEXIS 156 (Minn.Ct. App. Feb. 15, 2011) is yet another lesson from a long line of cases that illustrate the risks of not using counsel for commercial property transactions especially those have problematic environmental issues. In this case, the plaintiff operated a fuel-oil business. In October 2007,

Seller Allows Broker To Draft Environmental Condition and Then Loses Breach of Contract Case Read More »

California Appeals Court Rules Reopening of NFA Letter Does Not Trigger Contractual Indemnification

Anyone who has negotiated the purchase of a gas station is aware that these agreements are incredibly complex. The contracts have dense definitions, dependent and inter-related provisions, and grant broad discretion to the sellers in determining the scope and conduct of the cleanup. A buyer who does not retain an environmental attorney who has previously

California Appeals Court Rules Reopening of NFA Letter Does Not Trigger Contractual Indemnification Read More »

Abandoned USTs Continue To Haunt Landlords With Old Leases

Many commercial properties are subject to old leases that were originally negotiated prior to the advent of environmental laws. These leases not only do not address environmental issues but also may contain clauses that can create liability for landlords when the property contains USTs. One of the more problematic clauses in old leases are those

Abandoned USTs Continue To Haunt Landlords With Old Leases Read More »

Insurance Requirement Allows Voidable Indemnity Clause To Be Enforceable

Can a party be indemnified for its own negligence? In many states, such provisions are void as against public policy. Other some states allow enforcement of indemnification for the indemnitee’s own negligence when the clause expressly references “negligence.” Likewise, many states will enforce indemnities where the indemnified party is strictly liable because of its status

Insurance Requirement Allows Voidable Indemnity Clause To Be Enforceable Read More »

NY Ct Says Former Tenant Liable For Abandoned Tanks As Trade Fixtures

Federal and state underground storage tank (UST) programs impose closure obligations on the owners or operators of USTs that are taken out of service. If the tanks are to be inactive for a short period of time (the time period varies depending on the state), the tanks must comply with temporary closure requirements. Owners or

NY Ct Says Former Tenant Liable For Abandoned Tanks As Trade Fixtures Read More »

Tenant Not Liable For Inactive UST Shared With Adjacent Property

We have discussed in prior posts that New York courts have broadly construed the definition of a “discharger” under the New York Navigation Law. Even owners of property with inactive underground storage tanks (USTs) have been held liable as “dischargers” despite the fact they may have not known about the tank much less exercised any

Tenant Not Liable For Inactive UST Shared With Adjacent Property Read More »

New Damages Trial Ordered For Vapor Intrusion

In Sunrise Harbor Realty LLC v 35th Sunrise Corp, 2011 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 5834 (App. Div-2nd Dept 7/12/11), the plaintiff owned a commercial building in Copiague, New York. The plaintiff contemplated purchasing the adjacent property that contained a gas station to expand its building. A phase 2 detected petroleum-contaminated groundwater migrating onto the plaintiff

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