cost recovery

Purchaser Unable to Assert BFPP Defense After Phase 1 Failed to Discover Historic Dumping on Farm Land

A federal court found there were triable issues if a purchaser qualified as a bona fide prospective purchaser (BFPP) because of alleged flaws in a phase 1 environmental site assessment. In Stratus Redtail Ranch LLC v. IBM, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 8723 (D. Col. 1/18/22), the plaintiff had acquired a 290-acre parcel of agricultural land […]

Purchaser Unable to Assert BFPP Defense After Phase 1 Failed to Discover Historic Dumping on Farm Land Read More »

Continuing to Struggle with CERCLA liability, the 7th Circuit Holds that a Phase 2 ESA Satisfies AAI

The Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit has long struggled with interpreting the scope of CERCLA liability, often issuing poorly-reasoned and inconsistent decisions. This trend continued with its recent opinion in Von Duprin vs Moran Electric Service, Inc., et al,  2021 U.S. App. LEXIS 26726 (7th Cir. 9/3/2021) where the court issued a number

Continuing to Struggle with CERCLA liability, the 7th Circuit Holds that a Phase 2 ESA Satisfies AAI Read More »

Landlord Liable For NYSDEC Costs Responding to Vapors at Off-Site Properties

A property owner was found liable under the New York Navigation Law for cleanup costs incurred by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)responding to gasoline fumes that had migrated a quarter of a mile from the gas station. While the vast majority of the state’s costs were associated with the cleanup of

Landlord Liable For NYSDEC Costs Responding to Vapors at Off-Site Properties Read More »

4th Circuit Allows Landlord Cost Recovery To Proceed

Last year, we criticized the ruling in Stratford Holdings LLC v Fog Cap Retail Investors LLC where the district court for the southern district court of Georgia appeared to conflate reporting obligation of section 103 of CERCLA with the cost recovery and contribution provisions of CERCLA when the court granted a motion to dismiss by the defendant

4th Circuit Allows Landlord Cost Recovery To Proceed Read More »

Historic Dry Cleaners At Heart of Two Key NJ Spill Act Cases-Part 1

2012 has turned out to be a significant year for NJ Spill Act litigation. Two opinions from this fall have been particularly notable to transactional attorneys because they involved a very common scenario encountered in urban areas-namely, properties with a history of numerous dry cleaner operators. Because dry cleaners are small businesses, their environmental impacts

Historic Dry Cleaners At Heart of Two Key NJ Spill Act Cases-Part 1 Read More »

NY District Court Misconstrues CERCLA “Facility” Definition

In the 1980s and 1990s, judges usually began CERCLA cases discussing that CERCLA was a remedial statute that Congress intended to be broadly construed. Judges seemed afraid of the problem of toxic wastes and often uncritically accepted government arguments that cast a wide liability net that caught a wide range of defendants. Even in private

NY District Court Misconstrues CERCLA “Facility” Definition Read More »

Bank Enters Into Settlement With EPA For Contaminated NY Site

EPA entered into a settlement agreement with the Bank of India (Bank) as part of an innovative settlement to facilitate the sale and reuse of an abandoned facility in Cortland, NY. The settlement was published in the today’s Federal Register .The proposed settlement is subject to a 30-day comment period. The settlement involves the Buckbee-Mears

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Georgia District Court Narrowly Construes Right of Cost Recovery

There is no polite way to sugarcoat the opinion of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in Stratford Holdings LLC v Fog Cap Retail Investors LLC and Footlocker Retail , Inc. , No 1:11-C-3463 (Sept. 17, 2012).This is a bad decision that reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of CERCLA. If followed

Georgia District Court Narrowly Construes Right of Cost Recovery Read More »

7th Circuit Declines To Apply Third Restatement of Torts in Apportionment Case

In U.S. v. NCR Corp., 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 16097 (7th Cir. 8/3/12) the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit declined to adopt the Third Restatement of Torts reflecting a national trend away from joint liability. This ruling seems to fly in the face of the legislative history of the Comprehensive Environmental

7th Circuit Declines To Apply Third Restatement of Torts in Apportionment Case Read More »

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